Arcus Solutions (Holdings) Limited (ASHL) is dedicated to providing comprehensive customer-focused facilities management solutions. Arcus are committed to growing a great FM business which is the envy of others and to leading the way in delivering a reliable and outstanding FM engineering service, delivered by exceptional people.
Top management has overall responsibility for establishing, implementing and maintaining this Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental Policy within the defined scope of the ASHL Integrated Management System
(IMS). The application and promotion of HSQE and this policy is the responsibility of all management and colleagues within Arcus Solutions (Holdings) Limited. Within the boundaries of ‘quality’ also falls business
continuity and therefore this concept is also addressed within the HSQE policy.
Within ASHL, we are also committed to:
• Satisfying all compliance obligations which includes business, customer, contractual, legal, industry and other applicable requirements to which the organisation subscribes that relate to all elements of HSQE.
• Having a framework in which to establish, implement and review health, safety, environmental, quality and business continuity objectives.
• Ensuring the HSQE policy is communicated to all persons working for or in affiliation with ASHL and ensuring that individuals understand their HSQE obligations set out within the policy.
• Ensuring effective policies and procedures relating to HSQE are developed and implemented where necessary.
• Providing information, training, instruction and adequate supervision in relation to HSQE.
• Managing any HSQE risks which arise from organisational change through committee discussions, risk identification and action implementation.
• Preventing or reducing injury and ill health to all persons working for or in affiliation with ASHL by identifying hazards, assessing risk and implementing suitable controls to ensure high safety standards are maintained.
• Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with our formal carbon reduction target, as well as aligning ourselves with the UK Government target to be net-zero carbon by 2050.
• Producing annual reports outlining HSQE performance and progress against relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals.
• Protecting the environment by preventing pollution where possible and implementing high standards of environmental practice. Key commitments relate to the management and reduction of waste, the management and reduction of air emissions, and supply chain management. Actions are prioritised in line with the identification of the business’ significant environmental impacts.
• Providing customer service in line with Quality Management procedures and principles.
• Implementing and operating controls and measures to improve the business’ capability to manage disruptive incidents.
• Continually improving the effectiveness of the health, safety, quality, environmental and business continuity management system.
• Periodically reviewing this policy to ensure that it remains suitable, relevant and appropriate to the goals of the business.
Signed: Chris Green, Chief Executive Officer
Date: 24/9/2020
To find out more about Arcus, and to discuss your specific requirements, please get in touch with our service team who’ll be happy to help.